Monday, January 19, 2009

Not all happy

Meanwhile, some Tanjung Bungah residents are appealing to the Chief Minister to reconsider his decision to make Penang a wireless state.
Housewife Grace Ang, 51, said she is not against such technology but she is against it blanketing the whole state.
“The technology is good but schools, playgrounds, residential areas and hospitals should be spared as we do not know of its side effects.
“Penangites should be given the choice to decide whether they want it or not,” she said during a forum with other residents at the Tanjung Bungah market, also on Sunday.
Ang said a Tanjung Bungah Anti-Wireless State Committee will soon be formed to to educate the residents about the issue through talks and campaigns.

Eh, bodoh. Most hospitals now are wifi zones lah. Schools SHOULD have wifi in the first place. Scared playground and residential areas got wifi? Why? Scared your son download porn? Don't worry lah auntie, connection too slow to download lah. Who the fuck is gonna bring their fucking laptop to the playground in the first place? For fuck's sake! And you should worry more about the radiation or what-the-fuck-ever it is that's coming from your shiny microwave which you willingly bought if that's the issue. Penangites should be given a choice to decide whether we want to live around dungus like these. I should start a Penang Anti-Jackasses State Committee. People are bringing good technology to your bloody doorstep and you *manyswearwords* want to protest. I want to petition to deport these *swearwords* to Singapore.

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