Friday, February 22, 2008

What's wrong with your name lah?

I find it very, very annoying when people put some sort of weird name for their Friendster or Facebook account (no offence to those who practice this, it's just my pet peeve). For example, there's someone who added me, her display name is 'Sukiz Vivi.' I'm still trying to figure out who the hell this idiot is, because she doesn't even have a proper profile photo. The only reason I approved her friend request was because she might have been a F6 schoolmate, but I'm gonna delete her after writing this post because it annoys the piles out of me everytime I see her name pop up on my Facebook newsfeed or whatever.
And for the record, the moniker 'jooleeyah' isn't weird. It's how my name sounds if you prolong the pronounciation of it, which is what basically everyone does.
So I'm off to delete this Sukiz Vivi, whoever she is.


runawaycat said...

But mine is a real name. Just in another language. And I don't want anyone other than who I choose to to know it's me :P

Unknown said...

Lol .. I knew this post might offend a few, but again, it's my pet peeve. There's nothing wrong with puting a nickname or your name in another language, it's just that it annoys me sometimes. Lagi teruk are the ones who put corny nicknames like 'Sweet devil' or 'Angel of death' or whatever. omg.

runawaycat said...

I'm not offended or anything. Just that maybe someone thinks I'm in that group too :P I don't care. I like my name hahahah