Monday, May 4, 2009

Why is it that people lament about how they hate Malaysia, Malaysia sucks, Malaysia is backward etc., move to another country and complain to bits about how much they miss Malaysia. I know it's not the best country in the world, and it's got a hell loada flaws, but it's still home. This is me saying Malaysia sucks in some ways, but it's also great in a lot of other ways. You're not gonna find a bowl of hot, steaming, delicious Hokkien Mee at 2am in America or Argentina. They might have White Castle, but Hokkien Mee kicks burger ass. Speaking of food, I'm fungry.


White Pepper said...

Obviously they have never been to England - everything shuts at 5pm on Sunday (unless you live in London where the air is so bad that if you blow your nose at the end of the day, your snot is black) - only shops opens are greasy chinese (yucks) or indians (yucks as well).

It really doesn't matter where you are, it will suck.

Every country has flaws, except Botswana of course.

Unknown said...

According to a certain ex-boyfriend of mine currently residing in Manchester, England is ahwsum!

White Pepper said...

i smell like london now. it is not a good smell.

Moe Nasrul said...

I find Malaysia really great :D ... well then again i spent my whole life in the states and being here is like a constant backpacking trip...

Unknown said...

you have the best of both worlds then :)