Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On exes.

Since the previous post was about an ex, I'll just continue my train of thought.

Some exes are total assholes. They spread rumours about you. Call you names. Shit like that. They are also known as the Poonani ex.

Some exes are half assholes. After breaking up, they just want to get in your pants again when his next girl just isn't that good enough in bed. They still talk to you nicely, play on your heartstrings, say they still have feelings for you, but you know exactly what it is that they want. They are also known as the Sexual Predator ex.

Some exes are nice assholes. They randomly chat with you to check if you're living in tremendous hell because you broke it off with them. They are also known as the Ulterior Motive ex.

Some exes aren't assholes at all. After breaking up, they leave you alone, smile and say hi when they bump into you, but relatively keep their distance. They are known as the Outer Limits ex.

Some exes are really nice people. After breaking up, you're still great friends with them. Unfortunately, none of my exes really want to have anything to do with me, except for ***. However, he's classified under the Sexual Predator ex, and I should keep my distance. Therefore, I'll call these nice exes the Non-Existant ex.


Julia's White Pepper said...

i've got one of them sexual predator ex thingamajigs. the only fuck he'll get out of me is fuck off.

Julia's White Pepper said...

which category does larry fall into? non-existant ex i suppose?

Unknown said...

I know who that ex is!
Larry isn't my ex oso

Julia's White Pepper said...

he will be though. can't wait.

Emilia Mills Ismail said...

exes all stinko!